The Tower

Negative events
You have withdrawn the Tower card in reverse position that means lots of changes are going on around you in all aspect of life. You are resisting change or you may have a fear of the unknown. You may be holding onto old patterns or beliefs that are no longer serving you, and this is preventing you from moving forward. Its occurrence is an indicator of some major destruction to come. Inconvenience will have to be faced due to unexpected shocks and unfavorable events. Due to your rebellious nature, problems will arise at home and you may have to face separation. You may be unnecessarily slandered. The decisions made by you will cause physical and emotional damage due to which life will be disturbed. Be careful on the road while driving or walking. Pay attention to those issues, situation, or problem that requires your attention. Do not avoid or neglect it. May be you are afraid of facing the truth of a situation or are unwilling to let go of something that is holding you back. Remember that sometimes changes can be uncomfortable but at the end it is necessary for growth and progress. The reverse Tower card also indicating that you have already experienced a significant upheaval or sudden change, but you are struggling to move on from it, stuck in a state of shock or trauma, and finding it difficult to let go of the past and move forward. In short the changes are necessary for growth and progress, and resisting it will only hold you back and hinder your overall growth. Accept the uncertainty of the future and trust that the universe has a plan for you, because divine’s help is intangible or sometimes it doesn't feel like it at the moment. Take the time to process any difficult experiences, situation, or problem you have gone through.