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Planets Degree Rule

Degree Rule 1

Any planet which is carrying degrees between 0 to 2.5 then it will give a result for the previous house too. For example, if Mercury is in the 4th house in a chart at 1.7 degrees then it will give a result for the previous house which is the 3rd house in the chart.  Rahu/Ketu are always in retrograde/vakri state so the degree system will be opposite for them*.


Degree Rule 1 for Rahu/Ketu

Rahu/Ketu are always in the retrograde state so the degree rule will be opposite them. Rahu/Ketu will give the result of the previous house if their degree is between 27.5 to 0 degrees. 


Degree Rule 2

Any planet which is carrying degrees between 27.5 to 0 then it will give a result for the next house too. For example, if Mars is in the 10th house in a chart at 28.5 degrees then it will give a result for the next house which is the 11th house in the chart. * Rahu/Ketu are always in retrograde/vakri state so the degree system will be opposite for them*.


Degree Rule 2 for Rahu/Ketu

Rahu/Ketu are always in the retrograde state so the degree rule will be the opposit of them. Rahu/Ketu will give the result of the previous house if their degree is between 27.5 to 0 degrees. 

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