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Ketu Mani

Ketu Mani (also known as Maach Mani) is a rare and mystical gemstone associated with the shadow planet Ketu in Vedic astrology. It is believed to have powerful spiritual and metaphysical properties. It is very small in the size and look like a tooth. Very effective. It makes Moon strong and thus help in decision making. Wearing Ketu Mani is believed to provide protection from reduce the malefic effects of Ketu, negative influences, enhance spiritual growth, and promote inner peace. In most of the charts Ketu is responsible or create problems. To pacify the bad effect of Ketu, Ketu mani can be a solution. Specially if you have incline towards spirituality then also Ketu mani can be helpful.

Ketu Mani

1. Before wearing Ketu Mani, consult a qualified Vedic astrologer to confirm that it is beneficial for your birth chart. Ensure the Maach mani is of good quality, without cracks or inclusions.
2. Timing-The best time to wear Ketu mani is on Tuesday or Thursday during the Ketu Hora or the rising moon phase. The Mani should ideally be set in a ring or pendant on a Saturday evening.
3. Metal for Setting-Mach mani should be set in a silver ring or pendant.
4. Purification and Energization-Clean the gemstone with raw milk, cow milk, or Ganga water. Place the Ketu mani in a clean bowl and add water, tulsi leaves, raw milk, honey, and ghee. Recite the Ketu Beej Mantra: "ॐ कें केतवे नमः" (Om Kaim Ketave Namah) 108 times. Tulsi Mala is best for any mantra because of its nature.
5. Wearing the Stone-After completing the purification and energization, remove the ring or pendant from the mixture. Place it on your right hand's middle finger if it's a ring. If it's a pendant, wear it around the neck.
6. Post-Wearing Rituals-Continue to chant the Ketu Beej Mantra: "ॐ कें केतवे नमः" regularly, especially on Tuesday and Thursday. Maintain the stone by cleaning it regularly with a soft cloth and water to keep it energized. Ensure that the ring or pendant fits comfortably and is not too tight. Avoid wearing the gemstone if it gets damaged or develops cracks. Periodically, consult your astrologer to ensure the stone continues to have a positive effect on your life.

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