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Rahu in Different Houses


In more than 90% of horoscopes, the problem is only caused by Rahu and Ketu. The Zodiac Sign assigned to it is Virgo. It is exalted in Gemini at 15 degrees and debilitated in Sagittarius at 15 degrees. Rahu is a blastic and shadow planet. It gives everything suddenly and unexpectedly and takes in the same way. It is tough to please Rahu, it can be controlled by mantras. It is said that Rahu destroys the house in it is placed. see Grandparents, foreign travel, society, skin diseases, itching, poison, chronic diseases, widow, fear, pilgrimage, rude behavior, foreign settlement, extramarital affair, arguments, pain, swelling, etc, cunningness, gambling, cleverness, backstabber, addiction, stones in the kidney, self-respect, enemies, explorer, illegal activities, export, detective, It gives good results in of 3rd, 6th,10th, and 11th house.


Rahu in the 1st House/Ascendant

The First House or Ascendant- If Rahu is in the Ascendant, then the person is often sick, ugly, courageous, and irreligious.  If the Rahu of Leo, Cancer, or Aries is in the Ascendant, it gives wealth such is the opinion of Garg.  According to Mantreshwar, the Rahu of this place disturbs age, wealth, and mind and the person suffers from diseases of the mouth.  According to Vashishtha, Rahu in the ascendant is painful, it has been experienced that the Rahu in the ascendant makes the native fickle and he suffers in one way or the other.


Rahu in the 2nd House

The Second House - Rahu in this place causes loss of wealth, often falls in bad company, is slanderous, moneyless, and disobedient to friends.  There are quarrels in the family.  It becomes royal.  According to some people, the person is a liar. and cause trouble to the family. It has been seen that Rahu in the second house does not allow family happiness and the native is unable to accumulate wealth.


Rahu in the 3rd House

The Third House - Most of the people have told auspicious results in the position of Rahu in the third house.  The native is mighty and wealthy.  Thoughts are firm and give the happiness of wealth, son, wife, friend, vehicle, etc. is attained.  Rahu in this place gives victory and fame, but Rahu in the third house is not auspicious for the brothers of the native.


Rahu in the 4th House

The Fourth House- Rahu of this place gives trouble to the mother or separation from the mother.  Does not give good friends. There are many worries and there is a restlessness in the heart.  The native does not get real happiness.  According to the opinion of some Acharyas, if Rahu in the fourth house is of Aries, Taurus, and Cancer, then it gives all kinds of happiness.


Rahu in the 5th House

The Fifth House - If there is Rahu in the fifth house, then there is a loss in relation to children.  Maharishi Garg says that if there is Rahu in Cancer or Leo here, a son is born.  Does not happen in other zodiac signs.  Mantreshwar is of the opinion that Rahu in the fifth house makes the natives fearful, kind, and moneyless.  The native is ruthless and childless.  Rahu in this house definitely gives one or the other sorrow related to children and the thoughts of the natives are revolutionary. 


Rahu in the 6th House

The Sixth House - Rahu in the sixth house makes the native handsome, intelligent, respected, and famous.  The native gets victory over the enemies.  If there is an aspect of an auspicious planet on this Rahu, then the evils are destroyed.


Rahu in the 7th House

The Seventh House - This house is of the husband or wife.  The Rahu of this place is going to obstruct the happiness of the partner or married life.  If there is any other malefic planet along with it, then they are addicted to sin, crooked, and have no modesty.  Just as there is a defect of Mars in the seventh house, similarly Rahu should also be considered. The person becomes poor because of bad company, he spends money on women. He is a widower and the semen is weak.


Rahu in the 8th House

The Eighth House - The person becomes evil if Rahu is in the eighth house.  He has to suffer hardships and failure.  Sometimes there is good fortune and sometimes there is loss. Money gets destroyed. Gland disease causes pain.


Rahu in the 9th House

The Ninth House- If Rahu is In this house, then the person doesn't have a good relationship with their father, is irreligious, sometimes changes religion, criticizes others, and is hypocritical and arrogant.  Does mean deeds. Often there is a company of bad people.


Rahu in the 10th House

The First House or Ascendant- If Rahu is in the Ascendant, then the person is often sick, ugly, courageous, and irreligious.  If the Rahu of Leo, Cancer, or Aries is in the Ascendant, it gives wealth such is the opinion of Garg.  According to Mantreshwar, the Rahu of this place disturbs age, wealth, and mind and the person suffers from diseases of the mouth.  According to Vashishtha, Rahu in the ascendant is painful, it has been experienced that the Rahu in the ascendant makes the native fickle and he suffers in one way or the other.


Rahu in the 11th House

The Tenth House- Rahu of Karma Bhav makes the Jatak master of the art of theft, without modesty, quarrelsome, and gives trouble in the profession.  According to Vashishtha, the person is of sinful 'thought'.  If the yoga factor is associated with the planet, then it is auspicious and fruitful.


Rahu in the 12th House

The Twelfth House - Rahu in the twelfth house makes the person a lowly person, of sinful thoughts, a hypocrite who spends money on bad deeds, and a total culprit.  The person keeps wandering here and there.  Money is not attained, and there is no faith in religion.  Gives extra-marital affairs and improper sleep.  Often there is a company of the wicked.  There is a possibility of eye pain.


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