The Suit of Swords Tarot
The symbol of the two-edged sword caused some early scholars to ignore the deeper spiritual meanings of this suit, and to declare that Swords are strongly negative and signify physical aggression, loss, pain, and destruction. Being two-edged, swords have both positive and negative meanings, all of which help to form the mind and character. The negative cards denote emotional and spiritual development through sacrifice, loss, loneliness of spirit, accepting defeat, enduring sorrow, wounding words, quarrels, conflicts, harsh judgments, separations, and challenges and upheavals requiring great strength and faith to overcome. They bring maturity because we see things as they are, not as we want them to be. The Swords suit also includes such positive meanings as courage, intellectual and spiritual strength, boldness, hope, solitude, meditation, peace in the midst of strife, and a removal to a new home, starting life in a new direction, or a journey into consciousness. The ace of Swords is not an unfortunate card, although it can symbolize-depending on the cards surrounding it- the sword of Damocles about to descend or the symbol of divine justice. It can also indicate illness, conquest, power, and strength in adversity, or something inevitable about to begin that cannot be stopped. The predominance of Swords in any spread means that- unless the High Priestess, the Hierophant, the Hermit, or the Fool are present-the querent is dominated by the physical aspects of life and faces future aggression and conflict.
Ace of Swords Two of Swords Three of Swords Four of Swords Five of Swords Six of Swords Seven of Swords Eight of Swords Nine of Swords Ten of Swords Page of Swords Knight of Swords Queen of Swords King of Swords

Ace of Swords
The Ace of Swords is a card of clarity, truth, and mental power. In the image a sword in one hand, coming through a cloud, and at the top of the sword, there is a crown draped with a wreath. The sword symbolizes intellect, logic, and the power of the mind. It is a double-edged sword, signifying the ability to cut through confusion and gain insight. The clouds represent the realm of thoughts, ideas, and intellectual pursuits. It signifies the realm of the mind from which clarity and truth can emerge, come after a period of uncertainty or confusion. The mountains in the background represent the challenges ahead that one has to go through and can overcome with a strong mind and willpower.
The Ace of Sword also is a symbol of divine justice revealing that you reap what you sow. This card signifies conquest, a sense of the inevitable, and a strong force for good or ill Something that cannot be stopped is likely to change the querent's entire perspective on life. The ace of Swords symbolizes strength adversity and triumph over obstacles badly aspected, disappointment will come but will be followed by a victory.
Upright Keywords-clarity, mental power, truth, intellectual breakthrough, insight, logic, justice, determination, mental, clarity, new ideas
Reversed Keywords-confusion, miscommunication, mental chaos, lack of clarity, delusion, dishonesty, aggression, abuse of power, misuse of intellect, blocked thoughts

Two of Swords
In the Two of the Sword card’s image, there is a lady sitting on the rock platform, wearing a white robe, having a blindfold on her eyes, and holding two crossed swords in her hands. The blindfold shows that she is confused, indecisive, and not able to see things clearly, and she can’t decide anything. The two crossed swords are balanced perfectly which shows that she is trying to weigh her thoughts and address both sides of the situation to find the best solution. There is a water body with some rocks in it behind he, here water represents emotions and intuitions and rocks are representing blocks or obstacles which means she has to take her decision while balancing between heart and mind. There is a crescent moon on her left side which suggest that she must listen and follow her intuition while making a decision. The Two of Swords card is the card of balanced forces or stalemate. The Two of Swords denotes a sense of equilibrium, good coming out of evil, and help and friendship in adversity. It tells us that making a difficult choice will bring spiritual peace and satisfaction. Badly aspected, it can suggest you will make the wrong choice through self-deception, indecision, and living in the past.
Upright Keywords-indecision, balance, stalemate, inner conflict, deliberation, impasse, equilibrium, mediation, avoidance, inner peace
Reversed Keywords-decision-making, breaking through indecision, forced choice, clarity, conflicts resolved, taking off blindfolds, unbalanced choices, ignoring intuition, resisting compromise, Overwhelmed by choices

Three of Swords
In the card image, there is a large heart floating in mid-air, surrounded by dark and stormy clouds and sky. The heart is broken, and three swords are tearing that heart. The swords are intersecting each other at the center of the heart, forming a triangular shape and each sword represents pain, sorrow, and heartbreak. There is heavy rain in the background, representing tears and emotional trauma. The clouds above are gray and menacing, indicating a sense of despair and sadness but because these are the rainy clouds sooner or later there will be no clouds and the sky will be clear through the overall image portraying the scene of grief and emotional anguish. Despite the heartbreak, the Three of Swords also signifies the need to confront and acknowledge emotional pain to initiate the healing process. It serves as a reminder that while heartbreak can be difficult, it is a necessary step toward personal growth and transformation. The Three of Swords card signifies permanent or temporary separation, a marital breakup, severing a partnership, disruption, upheaval, pain followed by healing, or the sense that the ground is clearing for something better Badly aspected, it is symbolic of civil strife and dwelling on old hurts.
Upright Keywords-heartbreak, sorrow, painful truth, grief, betrayal, emotional upheaval, separation or loss, anguish, unresolved conflict, facing reality
Reversed Keywords-healing, release, forgiveness, emotional recovery, moving on, closure, releasing pain and sorrow, learning from past experiences, resolving conflicts, rebuilding trust

Four of Swords
The Four of Swords is the card of rest and introspection after a long struggle. In the image, there is a tomb of stone or sarcophagus, which serves as a resting place. On top of the tomb, a knight lying horizontally on a tomb, in his full armor, and his hands are in the position of prayer, symbolizing a state of rest or meditation. His eyes may be closed, indicating a deep state of contemplation or even sleep. Above the figure, a stained-glass window or some form of divine light illuminates the scene, casting colorful hues. This light represents spiritual guidance, solace, and inner peace. One sword lies beneath the knight on the tomb, symbolizing a single point of focus, and three swords hang above him, pointing downwards towards his head and torso, signifying the warrior nature of the knight and the need for respite from battles or challenges. The Four of Swords card represents the peace and order that comes after struggle or chaos. The Four of Swords card also denotes administration in legal matters in a civic sense and personal hospitalization, convalescence, and a voluntary retreat after a testing time in order to think things through. Badly aspected, this card indicates feelings of isolation, postponing a decision, and the need to use diplomacy.
Upright Keywords-rest, retreat, solitude, contemplation, inner peace, recovery, healing, taking a break, self-care, reflection
Reversed Keywords-resisting rest, overworking, burnout, lack of self-care, restlessness, inability to find peace, disturbed sleep, need for rejuvenation, avoiding introspection, impatience

Five of Swords
The Five of Swords is a tarot card that portrays a scene of conflict and tension. In the foreground of the card, there are five swords standing upright on the ground. There are three people in the picture. A man wearing a green tunic and holding three swords appears to be victorious, standing with a smug or triumphant expression which he has claimed as his spoils of war, and two men nearby who are sad, defeated, and dejected, are shown walking away with their head lowered and their swords have also fallen on the ground which shows that they have lost their battle. The atmosphere of the image may be tense, with stormy skies or dark clouds in the background, signifying the aftermath of the conflict. The body language and facial expressions of the person in the green tunic reflect a sense of animosity, bitterness, or resentment. The Five of Card remind us to accept the inevitable, recognize false pride, acknowledge our limitations, face defeat courageously, learn to build on secure foundations, and choose a new direction in order to move onward and upward. This card may indicate a narrow escape from physical danger or a threat averted. If this card is badly aspected, understand that fear and insecure foundations bring defeat and humiliation.
Upright Keywords-conflict, confrontation, victory at a cost, dishonesty, power struggles, betrayal, disputes, hostility, ego-driven actions, taking advantage
Reversed Keywords-resolution, compromise, the release of conflict, reconciliation, letting go of grudges, learning from past, conflicts, seeking peace, avoiding unnecessary battles, humility, and acceptance

Six of Swords
The Six of Swords is a tarot card that portrays a scene of transition, travel, and moving forward. In the card image, there is a small boat or a ferry on the calm water body. The boat is often depicted in muted colors, symbolizing a sense of serenity and tranquility. It carries three people, a man who is sailing the boat, a woman, and a child sitting on the boat, it seems like it could be a family who is shifting to a new place or a man who is a guide, along with individuals who appear to be in need of assistance or guidance. The boat is typically adorned with six upright swords planted firmly in the bottom of it, representing the challenges or difficulties that have been left behind or overcome. The water surrounding the boat is often depicted as calm and peaceful, suggesting a smooth journey ahead. The shores or land in the distance represent the destination or a new beginning. The scene is a soft, serene sky, indicating a hopeful and positive outlook. The other description of this image could be, their expressions may reflect a mix of relief, reflection, and anticipation as they leave behind a difficult situation or emotional turmoil. The figure of authority or guide provides reassurance and guidance during this transitional period. The Six of Swords is a card of flight or travel that denotes change to a better environment or a change of work, success after anxiety, obstacles removed after a stressful period, the end of a difficult time, or good news brought by an overseas visitor. It tells us that risk brings reward. If the card is badly aspected, be patient, time will solve the problem.
Upright Keywords-victory, recognition, triumph, success, achievement, public acclaim, self-confidence, validation, celebration, leadership
Reversed Keywords-temporary setback, self-doubt, lack of recognition, disappointment, ego bruised, overconfidence, need for reassessment, seeking approval from others, hidden victories, modesty

Seven of Swords
The Seven of Swords typically shows a man in the act of sneaking or tiptoeing away from a military camp or a gathering. The man is carrying five swords, symbolizing stealth, deception, and the act of taking something without permission without coming to the notice of anyone. There are two swords he left behind and he is gazing at them. The scene could be a sense of secrecy or clandestine action, with a moonlit sky or dim lighting. The man’s body language shows caution, with his gaze fixed on the path ahead or looking back anxiously which explains foresight, cunning, prudence, and evasion are all needed to thwart an enemy, solve a problem, or sidestep an obstacle to achieve success or gain an objective. Use the brain rather than the heart. Badly aspected, plans have altered or negative thinking about mistakes blocks progress, aggressive tactics bring disaster, and greed can affect principles.
Upright Keywords-deception, stealth, trickery, secrecy, sneakiness, dishonesty, strategy, betrayal, cunning, avoiding, confrontation
Reversed Keywords-coming clean, accountability, revealing the truth, consequences of deceit, recovery from betrayal, transparency, learning from past mistakes, confrontation, putting an end to dishonesty, seeking forgiveness

Eight of Swords
In the Eight of Swords, a woman is bound with white rope and has a blindfold on her eyes, and is surrounded by eight swords. The woman is standing in the middle of a desolate landscape or an enclosed space. The swords around her form a sort of cage or barrier, creating a feeling of confinement or it could be self created barrier. The woman’s body language shows that she has a sense of helplessness, vulnerability, or uncertainty, with her arms close to her body or her hands tied. The blindfold on the eyes suggests that she has a lack of awareness or understanding of the situation, no clarity or confusion. The Eight of Swords remind us that restrictions will soon be lifted and bonds broken, but self-deception, hypocrisy, negativity, and lack of confidence cause indecision. Self- honesty, confidence, and attention to detail are needed to change the status quo and avoid criticism from others. Favorably aspected, it signifies hurts healed, progress made, and new self-confidence.
Upright Keywords-restriction, confinement, feeling trapped, self-imposed limitations, powerlessness, insecurity, negative self-perception, over thinking, lack of clarity, seeking liberation
Reversed Keywords-release from confinement, freedom, breaking through limitations, empowerment, gaining perspective, self-belief, overcoming obstacles, new opportunities, self-acceptance, clarity

Nine of Swords
In the image of the Nine of Swords In the image there is a figure that has just woken up and is sitting on the bed, covering his face with his hands, appearing distressed, filled with anguish, or she had a nightmare that disturbed her. There are 9 swords hanging on the dark wall behind that figure which shows that its mind is full of negative thoughts or the thought process has become negative, due to which the figure is upset, or the worries and anxieties that consume their thoughts. The Nine of Swords card is symbolic of a patient suffering borne with courage and fortitude; illness, isolation, loss, the news of a death or an accident brings sadness; a difficult choice entailing sacrifice, self-punishment, and a sense of despair. Favorably aspected, it signifies shedding the past, beginning a new, productive, active existence -time heals all wounds.
Upright Keywords-anxiety, worry, fear, nightmares, guilt, self-doubt, excessive thoughts, mental distress, sleepless nights
Reversed Keyword-release from anxiety, healing, overcoming fear, finding peace, letting go of guilt, relief, mental clarity, moving forward, positive thinking

Ten of Swords
In the image of the Ten of Swords, card a man is lying face down on the ground, with ten swords on his back. The card represents an ending or a situation that has reached its lowest point. The man in the image lying helpless on the ground indicates a sense of powerlessness and despair. The ten swords in his back represent a culmination of pain, hardship, and adversity. It suggests that a difficult situation has come to an end, and although it may be painful, or also signifies a complete and overwhelming defeat or betrayal. The sky is dark but there is a yellow light on the horizon could be the rising Sun, and the sea is calm which shows that it also brings the potential for transformation and new beginnings
The Ten of Sword card denotes the lowest point in one’s life, the lowest ebb of human affairs, and a self-honesty that sees something clearly for the first time for what it really is, not what it seems to be. Badly aspected, the card signifies misfortune and pain. Favorably aspected, it indicates self-acceptance, the end of spiritual darkness, and rebirth.
Upright Keywords-defeat, betrayal, rock bottom, crisis, pain, endings, overwhelming circumstances, despair, transition, transformation.
Reversed Keywords-recovery, healing, resilience, moving on, rising above challenges, releasing pain, closure, new beginnings, hope, renewal

Page of Swords
The Page of Swords card portrays a young person under 21 of either sex standing with a sword in hand, looking alert and vigilant. This card represents a youthful, curious, and intellectually inclined individual, who possibly has inner conflict from injustice during childhood, he or she is independent, with unpredictable moods, can act mischievously, be frivolous, manipulative, devious, and cruel. Upright: In the upright position, the figure is a young person eager to explore the realm of knowledge and intellect, standing tall, holding a sword with a focused and attentive expression, seems like he is ready to face challenges and seek truth. The background is windy signifies the realm of thoughts and ideas. The Page of Swords card often suggests a thirst for learning, intellectual curiosity, and the need to approach situations with an analytical mindset. The Page of Swords could also be a diplomatic messenger who negotiates business matters or an unscrupulous business rival or spy.
Upright Keywords-curiosity, intellect, vigilance, alertness, exploration, mental agility, communication, learning, truth-seeking, analytical thinking
Reversed Keywords-restlessness, impulsiveness, scattered energy, lack of focus, miscommunication, hasty decisions, recklessness, impatience, confusion, need for grounding

Knight of Swords
This card represents a career-minded man between 21 and 35 at his best in a difficult situation; he is a courageous fighter, skilled in defense, impetuous, passionate, and sometimes ruthless. The image portrays a knight charging forward on a horse, wielding a sword with determination and intensity. This knight is ambitious and has a drive for success. The image depicts a knight riding boldly and swiftly into action, his armor and the horse's posture reflect readiness for battle, challenges, obstacles, and difficulties. The high-held sword signifies a strong will and determination to achieve success or desired goals. The card represents a dynamic and assertive energy, urging the individual to take decisive action and pursue their ambitions fearlessly.
The Knight of Sword card also symbolizes a foreigner, a foreign country, or a conflict to be faced. If close cards are not positive that means illness. The knight can also represent a surgeon.
Upright Keywords-action, ambition, determination, assertiveness, drive, focus, goal-oriented, decisiveness, courage, movement
Reversed Keywords-impulsiveness, recklessness, haste, lack of direction, aggression, conflict, miscommunication, thoughtlessness, caution, reflection

Queen of Swords
The Queen of Swords card portrays a woman sitting on a throne decorated with a cherub, representing the her softer side, and butterflies representing transformation, holding a sword upright in one hand while her other hand extends in a gesture of authority. She is intelligent, has clear thinking, and a direct communication style. In the upright position, the Queen of Swords depicts a woman who exudes wisdom, intellect, and mental clarity, sitting confidently on her throne, symbolizing her authority and power of discernment. The upright sword signifies her ability to cut through illusions and see things clearly. The Queen of Swords card represents a woman who values truth, logic, and rationality and is skilled at communication and analysis. Sometimes the Queen of Sword card considered as the widow's card denotes a self- reliant, intelligent, strong, and cautious woman, often intolerant and spiteful, who makes a good friend but a bad enemy. Carrying the connotation of sadness and privation, this card also denotes a struggle between spiritual and material values, and a foreign woman or nation.
Upright Keywords-intelligence, clarity, objectivity, truth, wisdom, discernment, communication, analysis, independence, assertiveness
Reversed Keywords-harshness, coldness, criticism, miscommunication, detachment, lack of empathy, confusion, vulnerability, balance, and emotional intelligence

King of Swords
The King of Swords card represents an authoritative man over 35; he is a professional with moral convictions, an intellectual with an innovative mind, a lawyer or adviser, an officer, or a high government official. The card portrays a sitting on a throne holding a sword in an upright position. The man sits tall and confident on his throne, symbolizing his authority and leadership, holding an upright sword in his right hand (right-hand symbol of conscious and rational mind) represents his sharp intellect, logical thinking, and ability to make fair decisions, and his crown symbolizes his wisdom and mastery. On the throne back some symbols like butterflies (symbol of transformation) and an angle near his left ear seem like guiding him. He is wearing a blue tunic symbolic of his desire for spiritual knowledge and a purple cape represents his intellect and compassion. This card also denotes a foreign man or nation. Badly aspected, he is a severe critic and can be cruel, violent, and vengeful.
Upright Keywords-authority, leadership, intellect, wisdom, clarity, fairness, justice, analytical thinking, strategic planning, communication
Reversed Keywords-misuse of power, manipulation, rigidity, lack of objectivity, unethical behavior, abuse of authority, lack of empathy, imbalance, caution, self-reflection
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